Comments on: Whole 30 Game Plan Sometimes healthy, sometimes indulgent, always delicious! Sun, 05 Sep 2021 06:05:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carla from Kansas Fri, 06 Jan 2017 23:19:35 +0000 Hi Lisa — I will be interested to see what recipes/plans you come up with. I have the Whole30 books but have never done it because most of the recipes I see on instagram take too many ingredients or are weird. I don’t like a lot of vegetables and don’t think I would be successful. It seems like avacado is served at every meal. Can not stand the texture. But I have a POWERFUL sugar dragon I would like to slay. I’ll stay tuned.

By: Theresa Thu, 05 Jan 2017 18:56:33 +0000 I need to join you with this plan. Thanks for sharing at the Inspiration Spotlight party. Pinned & Shared. Happy New Year Lisa!

By: Shell Sat, 31 Dec 2016 11:17:23 +0000 Very convincing, I’M IN!!!!
Hoping to help with Lupus. Happy New Year!

By: Gina Kleinworth Fri, 30 Dec 2016 14:43:11 +0000 Holy cow- this one is rough. If I didn’t have 4 other people in this house that would complain & throw me off track I’d probably give it a go. But even trying to stick to points is hard when they are eating snacks & saying “come on- just have a bite” They are all the devil – I swear it. 🙂

By: Bec Thu, 29 Dec 2016 11:00:51 +0000 I’m so proud of you for taking the Whole30 leap! I did a modified version of it in September, and had some success with it, but as a fellow sugar addict, there were some rough monents.
You’re going to rock this!
